Thursday, March 03, 2005
glass half empty
Reading back on my entries for the last month, I'm hit by the pervasive tone and overarching theme linking them all together.
It's all negative. Glass-half-empty sort of sentiment.
I'm tired of it. And I'm beginning to despise myself. I'm such a whiner, no?
I have to do something about it. I started with one small step today - imagine what I could achieve tomorrow!
Dear Jellyfish
I refer to my voluminous workload and your obsession with piling more stuff on it.
It's really too much for me to handle. So I won't do it anymore.
I request you relook my over-flexible job scope and do something humane to adjust the present injustice.
I will not accept procrastination or excuses to this request. I hesitate to take further action on my part, but will do so if the situation calls for it.
Yours sincerely
White-collar Slave
Now I just need the guts to do just that.
And make my glass half full.
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