Monday, March 28, 2005

the ugly side of me

I couldn't help thinking today, as I went about the hectic work day, that I'm an awful, awful person. I must be.

I really, rather intensely, dislike my boss. And I've yet to truthfully figure out why.

First thing first, we have different working styles. I'm the busy ant, she's the lazy - I mean, relaxed - grasshopper.

Next up, she's rather unfriendly. I mean, really. People pulling me aside on her second day of work and asking me why my new boss is perpetually frowning/ sulking/ growling, is a sign, I say. A sign.

Plus, she snaps at me.

As childish as that might sound, it's not very joyous to experience.

And today, today was the final straw. The one that broke the camel's back.

She laughed at my writing.

I mean, really laughed in that condescending gruff of hers. Now that I take personal offence to. Especially since it only boiled down to stylistic differences. I write my way, she writes hers. So what happened to I-respect-your-writing, you-respect-mine?

As if.

I was hopeful when she first joined us; hopeful for someone finally worth learning from. And I'm certain she has much to offer. She just doesn't offer it. Everything I write that she doesn't fancy, she just says "it doesn't read".

I mean, what in everything holy is that supposed to mean. At least give me something to work on. A hint of what you're looking for.

But nooooooo. All I get is a laugh and a it-doesn't-read.

I am personally offended. I am. And I don't care if that makes me sound childish or immature. Still beats her being so unprofessional.


Ok, see? It happened again. My ugly side. I'm such a petty person.

But at least I care to admit it.

So there.

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