Tuesday, May 24, 2005

my criminal mind

A few days ago, I was effectively called a con artist (in more words than that).

It was clearly insuinated that I was aware of a certain HR screw-up in my previous pay cheques but kept mum about it with the sole intention to cheat the company of some measly amount.

Ah, my criminal mind.

Nevermind that I trusted the HR department to be professional and careful when handling payroll. Nevermind that I naively assumed that certain allowances were not to be pro-rated.

And now, with the advent of the new super HR Mole, my criminal ways have been exposed. I am so upset.

This is like a B grade super-cop versus super-villian Bollywood flop.

Haughty and arrogant, the Mole must be delirious with joy that she unveilled another of her ex-boss's bloopers. She made a frantic dash to report this joyful bit of information to the Jellyfish. I have never seen a Mole of those proportions move so fast.

Did I mention that I am so upset?

I am so upset. Upset that I'll never be able to pull a fast one like this anymore. Of course nevermind the minor detail that I don't ever get to touch payroll and wouldn't be able to do evil adjustments in my favour.

I am so upset. Upset that the Mole will now have a reason to deduct all the ill-gotten gains from my next pay cheque. I mourn for my loot.

I have such a criminal mind. Maybe next time I shall attempt to rob Finance of their petty cash.


In all indignance, I feel like telling Jellyfish and the Mole that they can take that puny allowance and stick it up their respectively skinny and fat asses. Cos I don't give a shit.


it seems there are moles and evil beings everywhere, in any corner of the workplace. sometimes, I think HR is the most anal department.
hear hear. i do agree.
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