Friday, May 20, 2005

washed out

I'm still wondering. Pondering. Thinking. Replaying.

What went wrong?

Why! *throws accusing look upwards* Why didn't they want me!

I must admit it is taking some measure of courage to type this out in black and pink. It's less real if I just keep it in my mind. But no, I must have the confidence and the unfailing self esteem to announce this to the cyberworld. My job application was rejected.

And I really wanted to work there. Crap!


As providence would have it, just as I finished typing the above, I found out that someone's leaving.

Bitter-sweet indeed.

Everyone's happy for her - at least I know I am. But at the same time, it means yet another Giant is leaving the Place. Two down, so many more of us to go... I wonder when it will be my turn.

Coming back to me (since yes, my universe does centre around me, myself and I), I don't know whether to feel encouraged that there is indeed hope or disheartened that my time hasn't come.


Dear Mochi, don't be sad to leave us, and don't shed any more tears. We're not colleagues; we are friends. And friends don't need to work together. Life over there will definitely be tougher but take heart that your struggle will be worth your while. Grab the prospects before you. You will go far. And when you do, buy me dinner!

We'll miss you, gal.

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