Thursday, June 02, 2005
the no-conspiracy sgblogconspiracy
And so it has happened. The largest (ok, maybe the only) local blogging event has been firmed up for 16 July 2005 at (get this) Woodlands Regional Library.
*smacks forehead*
The venue is... so... interesting. But I disgress. Here's my take on the great Blogger.SG conspiracy:
There is no conspiracy. At least not in terms of the colourful ideas like psychotropic-drug-laced refreshments and spy cameras that have emerged in the blogosphere.
The no-conspiracy conspiracy theory is thus: they want you to think it's a conspiracy and blog about the conspiracy. And when your posts make unsubstantiated claims involving the underground-police-unit-that-doesn't-exist, that's when they'll log your blog, trace your address through your government-controlled service provider, knock on your frontdoor and invite you for a latte at the underground-police-unit-that-doesn't-exist.
Be warned, my friends.
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