Monday, July 11, 2005

newton's first law

Isn't ironic that Newton's first law of motion is the lack of motion? Inert is exactly what I am now.

I'm so horrid; I've been procrastinating working on the copies for the next issue of the mag. And today I realise with a rather rude jolt that we're due to print in 2 weeks' time. 2 freaking weeks!

I guess part of the reason for my laziness is because my new boss is onboard and I kinda expected her to be the super hands-on type. Doesn't really seem to be happening though. I've to think of some sneaky way to make her work on at least some of the stories/ copies.

After 1 week now, my initial impression of her is wearing off some. I know she's experienced in the magazine publishing side of this job, but her media relations methods seem lacking. Plus she has some deep-seated grudge with one of my publishers. No good for work, I tell you. No good at all.

I guess to a certain extent I can't really blame her. She had a nasty experience with him (though he tells me that he had a nasty experience with her) so I guess she's already formed some kind of opinion about him. I don't appreciate, however, her going after the sub-contracted photographer; he's never been rude or snide or caustic to any one of us these 6 months, and in 1 hour of meeting her, she claims he bit her head off? Like, huh?

I'm not too certain myself if this is a reflection of her disdain towards the publishing house: she hates them; they sub-conned him; she hates him?

I've told my publishing house, in all brutual honesty, that things are probably headed for the worst. And it's not that I want to be callous, but I'm striving not to get embroiled into things. Since she's so into the magazine, I'd be delighted to hand it over to her and just be the "assistant". It'll free me up to do other stuff anyway.

But first, I have to speak with my publishing house about reworking the pagination. She isn't happy with me. Goodness. Someone save me.

It's going to be a really long week.

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